Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Patience, my precious

Searching for the "ideal" wedding venue has been rather nuts!

For one, the only places you can easily find and use for a wedding are hotels. And both Jason & I hate hate hate hate hate the hotel banquet look. Because try as you may, even with the tons of flowers and exquisite table settings, it still looks like an event space - we hate that.

The first venue we targeted was the peony jade restaurant at Keppel Club because the decor in the place looks so nice! (well, on the website that is)

Alas, it was not to be.

The club itself looked very dodgy and run-down, and the restaurant itself was simply way too small to accommodate our estimated 250 guests (which, by the way, is already a very small number for a Singaporean wedding).

Then came our next target, the glass atrium of the National Museum of Singapore.

It looked lovely. It was a unique and classy location. And it boasts numerous visual art displays - a la the "dancing chandeliers" as shown in the picture below.

However, we had to kick that plan aside for now because the decorations and set-up costs for this venue is ASTRONOMICAL! And that is before throwing in the costs of finding a suitable caterer who can provide good food, service and tables + chairs!!

Hence, we had to put it as a Plan B of Plan B, because the amount of preparation and the costs which will go into holding a wedding at this location would potentially drive both of us mad.

Now, we wouldn't want that would we?

That was why I went a mad search for another venue. Well, not totally mad, but mad enough. And by God's grace, after I told Jason that we would find the best location in faith and in the shortest time possible, I came across this......

Picture from Tung Lok

Lo and behold, the hugest Chinese restaurant I have EVER seen!

The Noble House by Tung Lok, which is tucked in the heart of Shenton Way.

How is it that I have never ever even heard about this place before?!

1) It's huge.
2) It's by Tung Lok - so I'm gonna make the assumption that the food is good.
3) It's decor is so pretty & simple.
4) We could easily pull off a vintage themed wedding in this venue.

So yes, I've emailed them about my grand desires to have a long table setting and buffet styled wedding dinner.

Call me a dreamer, but I believe a blessed life is what dreams and faith are made of!

I shall wait and see.....
oh please oh please oh please be able to do it!

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!

    Just to let you know peony jade has quite good food (coz my sis had her wedding there). But I went to the one that's around Liang Court area. :D
